

July 2009 Committee Meeting Minutes

Pack Officer openings: Secretary and assistant Pocorn Kernel.

Scout recruting night at Evamere will be sometime around 8/25 from 4-6pm.

Steve may be gone until Oct. 31 on an extended business outing.

Family Campout will be July 24-25 -- next weekend!

Pizza party/flag raising will be either 8/28 or 9/4.

Child protection training will be 8/31 or 9/29 (for renewals), if needed.

September 11 will be the FIRST offical pack meeting/cookout to kick off the new year at 6pm. If weather is bad, we will meet over at the church.

We added all the District meeting dates to the Pack Calendar, including all popcorn dates.

The Council Haunted hayrides are the 3 weekends preceeding Halloween: 9/10, 16/17, 23/24.

We will ask Pat Cassell to put together a music video multimedia presentation to show at the popcorn kickoff.

Western Reserve Academy has offered it's facility for any of our den meetings, courtesy Bill Bugg.

Great Trail Council still needs payment for the canoes....

There was a discussion about the Blue & Gold banquet serving as the a Crossover event for Webelos II instead of the advancement event. We would then have an advancement meeting later in the our last pack meeting at Hudson Springs on June 4.

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