

11/19/2005 Committee Meeting Notes

Subject: December Campout Prep (12/2/05)

Attending: Pat Hoban, Dave Mulcahey, Dave Heater

  • Adults and Scouts: Please bring a completed (Class 1 section ONLY!) medical form
    1. If under 40 use this:

    2. If 40 or over, use this:

  • Bear and Wolf dens will bring dishwashing liquid, wash tub and wash cloth/scrubber for meal cleanup.

  • Each camper will bring some firewood with them if possible.

  • Heater will bring dustpans, brooms for cabin cleanup.

  • Hoban will bring ropes for Bear Den knot skills.

  • Den leaders should plan den activities for Saturday

  • Compass course for Bear Den – we will set it up Saturday morning

  • Popcorn was picked up Monday by Pat & Dave. Den leaders should pick up popcorn for their den by calling Dave at 330-528-0697.

  • January pack meeting – hand out awards. Also, troop 321 scout leaders will talk to our pack about winter camping.

  • Pat will call to get the reservations setup for the Buffalo Naval Park for the Pack's Spring Camp Out.

  • Next committee meeting is December 10th at Panera.

1 comment:

Heatman said...

Thanks to everyone who helped make this campout very enjoyable and a great experience for the Scouts! Nice job, leaders.