

Fall Camp at Manatoc

We had a SUPER time at Fall Camp this year, even with pending bad weather. Some people sat up in the rain, but we were really spared any heavy rains. Saturday morning we all awoke to sunny skies and really not too cold temperatures (50s).

Saturday, each of the dens had an activity: the Tigers did orienteering with compasses, the Wolves did hiking and sock-puppet creations, the Bears and Webelos earned (or re-earned) their Whittlin' Chip cards (carving with a pocket knife) and Webelos lashed together a puppet stage. Everyone participated in archery and BB-gun sessions as well as meal preparation and cleanup.

Thank you, Ed Kennedy for being our camp coordinator this year. Thank you, Kozars, for doing the heavy-lifting on getting the food supplies purchased and delivered to the camp. And thanks, leaders, for the good activities.

Check out the pictures here:

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