

August 2009 Committee Meeting Minutes

Annual dues will be $40 per Cub Scout.

9/4: Pizza party / flag raising at 5:30

9/16: 6-9pm Ellsworth Hill Scout recruitement night. As many parents, leaders and Cub Scouts who want to volunteer for our night of recruiting are encouraged to attend.

Popcorn: Should we do table sales? Let's preasent this to the Pack as a whole, since there was no feedback from the email. Lynn Schmidt is the Popcorn General this year. John will first check with local stores. Popcorn kickoff will be at our first pack meeting; forms will be distributed at the den meetings.

John K. will look into class B shirts and pick up an order form.

Pop can tabs to benefit Ronald McDonald House at the Cleveland Clinic: We will provide incentives for the den that collects the most tabs. Parents are also encouraged to bring in travel toilettries for this project.

Our pack is going to make a donation to the HUMC.

Other service projects for the fall? (Leaf raking for three families on November 7th.)