

11/19/2005 Committee Meeting Notes

Subject: December Campout Prep (12/2/05)

Attending: Pat Hoban, Dave Mulcahey, Dave Heater

  • Adults and Scouts: Please bring a completed (Class 1 section ONLY!) medical form
    1. If under 40 use this:

    2. If 40 or over, use this:

  • Bear and Wolf dens will bring dishwashing liquid, wash tub and wash cloth/scrubber for meal cleanup.

  • Each camper will bring some firewood with them if possible.

  • Heater will bring dustpans, brooms for cabin cleanup.

  • Hoban will bring ropes for Bear Den knot skills.

  • Den leaders should plan den activities for Saturday

  • Compass course for Bear Den – we will set it up Saturday morning

  • Popcorn was picked up Monday by Pat & Dave. Den leaders should pick up popcorn for their den by calling Dave at 330-528-0697.

  • January pack meeting – hand out awards. Also, troop 321 scout leaders will talk to our pack about winter camping.

  • Pat will call to get the reservations setup for the Buffalo Naval Park for the Pack's Spring Camp Out.

  • Next committee meeting is December 10th at Panera.


Bear Den Activities


We had a really great meeting at the Hudson Library on Monday, 11/14 with Gwen Mayer giving us a library tour and some background on Hudson's history. Thanks to all parents who took time off to get your scout there by 5pm.

Our next meeting will be Monday, 11/28/05 at 7pm at the church. We will use this meeting to work on skits/songs for the campout and go over supplies to bring. We'll move the worship achievement meeting to 12/12.

Our goal is to have each scout DONE with all achievements before the new year. Parents, take some time these remaining weekends to complete remaining acheivements with your son!


Fall Campout

All leaders are meeting Thursday (11/17) at 7pm at Panera Bread in Hudson to discuss camp details (especially food). If you are interested in helping out, but not a leader, please show up! Joe Mouse is our campout coordinator.

Pack 3327 Cub Scouts -- Welcome!

Welcome to our new web site! We will use this blog to communicate all events happening in our pack. My ultimate goal is to develop a web application and host it on our home PC, but until then, we can use blogspot.

You can use a free program called 'hello' by Picasa to upload photos from events to this blog, which I'll try to do frequently.

To comment this subject, click on the Comment link below. To add a new subject click on Blog This! in the tan title bar. We'll try to keep our communications in threads of the same subject for easy organization.

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