

January 2010 Committe Meeting Minutes

Steve M., Randy, Jeff, Jim, Larry, Ed, John, Dave H.

Pack Meeting details:
Crossover will be at the February Pack meeting AFTER the Cakewalk.
Cakewalk note: You can obtain boxes for cakes from local bakeries or groceries.

Scout Sunday: is February 14th at the 11:15am service.
Dave will bring his camera to take a picture after the service and submit to Hudson cable.

Yearbooks: We will get black and white hardcopies and a color pdf file available to all Scouts.

Pinewood Derby:
Rule change: 17. The twelve fastest cars overall will advance to the pack championship heat.
Need to get other guys involved with the Derby

Randy has a 5 X 9 trailer, but Steve may be able to obtain a larger one for our float.

Blue & Gold:
Happy Trails hall will only charge us the same fee as last year. We may cut down on the amount of food from the caterer.

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