

Pack Calendar (Updated 1/5)

  • 1/6 -- Pack meeting at church 7-8:30pm

  • 1/9 -- Bear Den meeting at church 7-8:30pm

  • 1/23 -- Bear Den meeting at church 7-8:30pm

  • 2/3 -- Pack meeting at church 7-8:30pm

  • 2/19 -- Blue & Gold Awards Banquet at Holiday Inn 1-4pm


Blue & Gold Banquet

The Blue & Gold Awards banquet will be held Sunday, February 19th at the Holiday Inn at Route 8 and Hines Hill road. The entertainment will be provided by Richard, the gentleman who runs the Land of Make Believe - he does story telling an is great with kids.

We're essentially arranging the same sort of spread that was put on last year. The Holiday Inn has increased their prices from last year - its now $11 for adults and $6 for children over 3. Scouts will be free like last year. We need to have a final head count soon, so we'll be passing around a list to get a rough estimate on Friday, 1/6.